Nutritionally Fit

Egg-cetera… Are They Healthy or Not?

Over the years eggs have gotten all mixed up, healthy or not that’s the big question? Attempts to separate the egg from its well deserved title as the “best source of a complete protein” has left us completely confused. For years we’ve been told to avoid them because the yolks are high in cholesterol and raise blood cholesterol levels, which can increase…

What Exactly Does Organic Mean?

To understand the implications of buying organic foods (or the lack of them), let’s start with a definition of organic. When meat, poultry, eggs and dairy are labeled organic, it means that no antibiotics or growth hormones were given to the animal that produced the meat, poultry or dairy, and that those animals were not exposed to waste products (believe it or…

Savory Sugar So Irresistible: 6 Ways to Satisfy Sugar Cravings

Fine white granules are so difficult to resist. The more you have it the more you want it! How do you get away from it? Is sugar really all that bad? What can you do? Experts agree Americans eat too much sugar and eating it in excess has been linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes, elevated triglyceride level, low HDL(good)…

Happy Healthy Valentine’s Day!

The day of love is quickly approaching. Valentine’s Day can be a challenging day for those watching their weight, as it is filled with tempting treats. If the person you love has been working so hard to eat healthy why seduce them with mouth-watering delicacies. Instead show your love and support by choosing a gift that is not overloaded with sugar and fat. Treat your sweetheart to…

F.Y.I. Low Glycemic Index Foods for Your Diet

Low Glycemic Index Foods good for your every day diet  

Beat Stress and Boredom Without Resorting to Food

It’s another crazy day at home with the kids. The phone is ringing off the hook, the kids are fighting, and each one of them is asking for different entrees for breakfast. So how do you cope? You do what so many other moms would do in this situation—you grab some chocolate or a bag of chips to help alleviate the stress….

Eating Green: For You and the Environment

You’ve started to incorporate greens into your diet and you are feeling good. Why not take it a step further?  Do good by going GREEN with your food. While we tend to focus on our own well being, it’s important to look at the big picture.  Help the environment by going green with your diet. Wendy Crump’s tips on eating green while…

Happy Registered Dietitan Day!

Happy Registered Dietian Day! March 13 marks the day we recognize and celebrate Registered Dietitians, like Wendy Crump, for helping us with our daily health. Why should you work with Registered Dietitan?  Here are the Top 10 reasons as issued by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 1. You have prediabetes and want to stave off diabetes. A registered dietitian can change…

‘Feeding tube diet’ an alternative to an ordinary weight loss program?

Diets don’t have to be traditional to be effective – but when a weight loss diet involves 800 calories a day, no eating, no food and having a tube hanging out of your nose, you better be careful. The K-E (feeding tube) diet is becoming an increasingly popular weight loss program. Individuals on this “diet” have a feeding tube inserted into their…

Nutritionally Fit: Top 5 Nutrition Tips for Everyday

Nutritionally Fit – Top 5 Nutrition Tips Poor diet, mild fatigue or a chronic lack of energy can often be addressed with simple prevention steps. In addition to regular exercise, try these dietary tips for a boost of energy: 1. Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic) for their cancer protective properties and micronutrients. 2. Become a grazer;…