Nutritionally Fit

Keep Your Summer Body … even after summer

How to Make Your Healthy Summer Habits Last… Even After Summer Many people look to the summer months as an opportunity to get fit, but then immediately ditch their healthy habits by the end of August. While you may have accomplished your goal of getting bikini-body-ready, don’t throw away the progress you’ve made! Here are some ways to stay on track as…

Stay Hydrated With These Foods

As summer is heating up its even more important to stay hydrated. When the thermometer rises so does your need for water. The old rule of thumb is to drink at least 8 glasses of water. However, about 20% of your water intake should come from solid foods. Here is a list of water-rich fruits and vegetables, which are at least 90% water…

Is Food Making You Sick? Food Sensitivity Testing May Answer Your Questions!

Is Food making you sick? You may have a food sensitivity! Are you… Feeling tired, bloated, achy, or run down? Getting migraine headaches? Tired of taking expensive medications that don’t work and leave you with undesirable side effects? Frustrated because you keep visiting your doctor but still can’t find a solution that takes your symptoms away? Registered Dietitian Wendy Crump is now…

Eating Green: For You and the Environment

You’ve started to incorporate greens into your diet and you are feeling good. Why not take it a step further?  Do good by going GREEN with your food. While we tend to focus on our own well being, it’s important to look at the big picture.  Help the environment by going green with your diet. Wendy Crump’s tips on eating green while…