Nutritionally Fit

Wheat Belly Diet? The skinny on wheat in your diet.

Wheat Belly Diet, What Is It? The best selling book, Wheat Belly Diet, written by cardiologist William Davis, M.D. makes some astonishing claims about the dangers of wheat. Dr. Davis suggests that wheat is so addictive that it causes uncontrollable eating and produces withdrawal symptoms when you stop consuming it. He also states that giving up wheat may cure type 2 diabetes,…

March is National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and information campaign created annually in March by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. This year is the 40th anniversary of National Nutrition Month®.  (via Take a look at your diet as we ask…

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss?

Can Coconut Oil Really Help You Lose Weight? So can eating more fat make you skinny? According to some research adding a specific type of fat (coconut oil) to your diet can promote weight loss. This highly saturated fat has gained exposure as being able to suppress appetite and boost metabolism, both of which can lead to weight loss. Is there validity…

Pregnant? This one is for you.

If you are pregnant it is important you get adequate folic acid in your diet for the prevention of birth defects. Folic acid, is a B-vitamin and can help prevent serious birth defects such as Spina Bififda and anencephaly, which are neural tube defects caused by the incomplete closing of the spine and skull. These neural tube defects can be prevented by…