Being a Nutritionally Fit Role Model for your Children

Did you eat your fruits and vegetables today? Did you go for a bike ride, walk or go to the gym? Did you drink low-fat milk?

Do you think your children noticed?

Children learn their eating and physical activity habits from their parents.

It’s important to recognize, that we are our children’s role models. Role modeling may be the most powerful, effective way for your children to eat smart and be physically active.

The next time you find yourself reaching for a rich sugary snack, because you’re stressed or bored, think about the example you are setting for your children. Instead, try some of these coping techniques:

  • Develop a family fitness plan. Keep it simple with weekly bike rides around the Rose Bowl, or after dinner walks around the neighborhood.
  • Tune out distractions while eating. Make it a rule that all food is eaten in a designated area like the kitchen, while sitting down, with the TV turned off.
  • Set limits on electronics. Limit screen time to no more than two hours a day.
  • Keep plenty of nutritious snacks on hand. Whole grain crackers, string cheese, individual bags of apples, low-fat yogurt and unsweetened applesauce cups are great options to junk food.

The best way to help your children live healthier lives is to show them – by example –that there are healthier ways to work through stress, anger, sadness and boredom. Do you need more help in getting your family back on track and Nutritionally Fit? Give me a call at 626.893.7244 and we can create a plan that’s right for you.