Glendale Dietitian – Lose Weight by Eliminating These Bad Eating Habilts

Struggling to lose weight or maintain your goal weight?

As a Registered Dietitian, I know there are several diet derailing habits that can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Here are three quick tips to break your bad eating habits and drop those unwanted pounds.

  1. Get rid of tempting foods. It’s hard to resist temptation when it’s staring you in the face. When office workers keep a candy dish on their desk, more often than not you will help yourself to several pieces with each passing. We’re all on the “see-food” diet, so don’t let yourself see what you don’t want to eat. Do yourself a favor – keep tempting foods out of sight by not walking past your office worker’s desk or by looking the other way.
  2. Breakfast is not optional, make sure to eat in the morning. You might think that skipping breakfast would help cut the calories. But, research shows that eating breakfast can better help you lose weight. Breakfast eaters tend to weigh less and are better able to maintain their weight. Not hungry when you first get up? Don’t worry; breakfast doesn’t have to be a big meal. A container of protein rich Greek yogurt or a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter does the job quite well.
  3. Don’t eat when you’re distracted. Do you find yourself reading the paper or watching TV while you eat? These distractions take your attention away from eating, making it harder for you to tune in to how satiated you are. This can lead to eating more than you’re really hungry for. A key step when you’re trying to lose weight is literally watching what you eat by being aware of what and how much you’re eating. Being conscious of what you’re eating will help you meet your weight loss goals.

Want more tips on how to shed pounds? Make sure to visit me on Facebook and keep the conversation going.