Egg-cetera… Are They Healthy or Not?

Fried Eggs Bacon and Sausages on a Plate

Over the years eggs have gotten all mixed up, healthy or not that’s the big question? Attempts to separate the egg from its well deserved title as the “best source of a complete protein” has left us completely confused. For years we’ve been told to avoid them because the yolks are high in cholesterol and raise blood cholesterol levels, which can increase a person’s risk of heart disease.


According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, we should limit our daily cholesterol to less than 300 milligrams per day. For individuals with elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol the recommended amount is less than 200 milligrams per day.

It was once thought that one egg contained 215 milligrams of cholesterol, so eating two or more eggs a day would make it tough to stay within the 300 milligrams maximum daily recommendation. However, good news for you egg lovers, new research done in 2000 found that eggs now contain less cholesterol, about 185 milligrams per egg. Based on the new findings The American Heart Association now says, “one egg per day can be part of a heart healthy diet.” Although this might give you permission to eat more eggs, keep in mind its important to eat them in moderation, that’s because we also get cholesterol from other foods like meat, poultry and dairy.

Nutritional benefits of eggs:

  • High-quality protein. One egg provides 6 grams of “complete” protein, providing all the essential amino acids your body needs.

  • Contains choline- the egg yolk offers the essential nutrients required for our brain and nervous system.

  • Full of omega 3 fats

  • Eyesight protection-egg yolks contain lutein which helps in the prevention of macular degeneration and cataracts.


Bottom line: One egg a day can be part of a well balanced nutritious diet for a healthy adult. So enjoy both the yolk and the egg white; with the exception of those who have a medical condition such as heart disease or diabetes, do not consume greater than 6 eggs per week and check with your doctor regarding egg consumption and dietary restrictions.

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