Nutritionally Fit

What Exactly Does Organic Mean?

To understand the implications of buying organic foods (or the lack of them), let’s start with a definition of organic. When meat, poultry, eggs and dairy are labeled organic, it means that no antibiotics or growth hormones were given to the animal that produced the meat, poultry or dairy, and that those animals were not exposed to waste products (believe it or…

Egg-cetera… Are They Healthy or Not?

Over the years eggs have gotten all mixed up, healthy or not that’s the big question? Attempts to separate the egg from its well deserved title as the “best source of a complete protein” has left us completely confused. For years we’ve been told to avoid them because the yolks are high in cholesterol and raise blood cholesterol levels, which can increase…

Food Sensitivities-Is It Time To Get Tested?

Do you suffer from any of the below? headaches severe nasal congestion abdominal cramps bloating diarrhea after eating If you experience some of these symptoms you may be suffering from food sensitivities. And unfortunately the gut will never heal unless you stop throwing inflammatory foods into your digestive tract. The only way to stop repeated bouts of inflammation is to remove the inflammatory foods. Inflammation…

How to Avoid Feeling Like a Stuffed Turkey on Thanksgiving: Tips to NOT Overeating

Ever feel like you’ve been punched in the stomach after eating Thanksgiving dinner?  Overeating is bound to happen if you don’t pay close attention to what you’re ingesting. Here are some helpful tips to combat a real pain in your gut this Thanksgiving. Remember Thanksgiving is NOT a Contest to see how much you can consume. If you are hosting the meal,…

Should We Be Feeding Our Kids Organic Foods? What Exactly Does Organic Mean?

The other day I was comparing notes with a friend on recipes for our kids.  For one particular recipe, I mentioned that I always use organic meat and dairy because it tastes so much better.  She was a little surprised. “Really? I didn’t know it made any difference. I rarely get my children organic foods. Actually,” she smiled a little self-consciously,  “I’m…

Get Ready, Get Set, It’s Time To Celebrate “National Nutrition Month!”

This Year’s theme “Get Your Plate In Shape” “Get your plate in shape” is a great way for helping people be mindful of what foods they should be eating on their plate. Tips to make it easy to get your plate in shape Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables: eat from a variety of vegetables, especially dark-green, red and orange…

Being a Nutritionally Fit Role Model for your Children

Did you eat your fruits and vegetables today? Did you go for a bike ride, walk or go to the gym? Did you drink low-fat milk? Do you think your children noticed? Children learn their eating and physical activity habits from their parents. It’s important to recognize, that we are our children’s role models. Role modeling may be the most powerful, effective way for your children to eat smart and be…

Beat Stress and Boredom Without Resorting to Food

It’s another crazy day at home with the kids. The phone is ringing off the hook, the kids are fighting, and each one of them is asking for different entrees for breakfast. So how do you cope? You do what so many other moms would do in this situation—you grab some chocolate or a bag of chips to help alleviate the stress….

Comfort Foods that are Good for You

Ever been angry or upset one minute and then on your couch eating the next, unable to remember why you started eating or how long you had spent munching? Familiar with the word comfort and the word food – put these words together and people dream of hot fudge sundaes. This is the power comfort foods hold. Unfortunately, it seems that most…

Glendale Dietitian – Lose Weight by Eliminating These Bad Eating Habilts

Struggling to lose weight or maintain your goal weight? As a Registered Dietitian, I know there are several diet derailing habits that can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Here are three quick tips to break your bad eating habits and drop those unwanted pounds. Get rid of tempting foods. It’s hard to resist temptation when it’s staring you in the face. When…