So, What’s the Deal With Vitamin D?

The health benefits from Vitamin D are endless. Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” it is produced in our skin as a response to sunlight. While our bodies naturally produce Vitamin D when exposed to direct sunlight, we can also get it through certain foods. As a fat-soluble vitamin, Vitamin D comes in two main forms: D2 and D3. Read on to learn all the important must-knows about Vitamin D.

Consumption of Vitamin D helps fight disease

The consumption of Vitamin D can help improve bone and teeth health, reduce the risk for asthma and heart attacks, and decrease the likelihood for inflammation. It does all of this by regulating our body’s digestion of phosphorus and calcium and encouraging a normal and healthy functioning of our immune systems.

Consumption of Vitamin D helps promote weight loss

For years and years, studies have shown that Vitamin D deficiency is associated with obesity. Vitamin D optimizes the body’s ability to absorb nutrients that are important for weight loss, such as calcium.

Consumption of Vitamin D helps fight against depression

It is proven that taking Vitamin D supplements can have mood-stabilizing effects by warding off risk for depression and anxiety. It does this by boosting levels of the mood-elevating chemical, serotonin, in our brains.

How to know when you’re deficient in Vitamin D

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency include lethargy, muscle aches and pain, emotional instability, and stress fractures that would suggest weak bones. This can happen for a variety of reasons: having darker skin, less exposure to the sun, and not eating enough Vitamin D-rich foods.

Good sources of Vitamin D

Do you live in a generally gloomy area? Be sure to incorporate these foods into your diet so that you get enough Vitamin D.

Wild caught fish (salmon, shrimp)
Canned fish (sardines)
Egg yolks
Shiitake mushrooms
Fortified yogurts and cereals
Almond milk
Orange juice

How much Vitamin D do I need?

The recommended IUs (international units) for Vitamin D each day are as follows:

Children/teens: 600 IU
Adults under 70: 600 IU
Adults over 70: 800 IU
Women who are pregnant/breastfeeding: 600 IU