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Perfect On-The-Go Snacks All Under 200 Calories

Let’s face it, when we’re on the go, we’ll most likely grab any food that is portable and easy to take around. Unfortunately, these are often times highly processed and fatty snacks such as a bag of chips or cookies. To keep yourself from grabbing something of this nature, stock up your kitchen with healthier options that are rich in fiber to keep you feeling full, protein to give you energy, and some healthy fats to make you feel satiated. Here are a few guilt free on-the-go options that are less than 200 calories.

Banana/Apple + Nut Butter

A fibrous apple or potassium-filled banana perfectly complements the protein and healthy fats found in nut butters. To prevent yourself from overindulging in the nut butter, grab a pre-portioned squeeze packet. Better yet, this is great for convenience!

Serving size: 1 Banana/1 Apple + ½ squeeze packet of nut butter

Veggies +Hummus Packets

Vegetables are naturally low in both fat and calories and are excellent sources of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and dietary fiber. Cut up a large handful of assorted veggies and pair it with a small Sabra hummus packet. Hummus is full of protein and fiber-rich legumes that will keep you feeling satisfied and full.

Serving size: Large handful of vegetables + up to 4 tbsp of hummus

String Cheese + Whole Grain Crackers

String cheese, when eaten in moderation, is a great source of calcium and phosphorus. While calcium is essential for healthy and strong bones, phosphorus aids in helping the body readily absorb the nutrients from the food we eat. Pair this with whole grain crackers and you’re set for a fiber, vitamin B, and iron- filled snack.

Serving size: 1 String cheese stick + a handful of whole grain crackers

Hard-Boiled Egg

A hard-boiled egg is the ultimate protein-packed snack. Filled with fiber and protein, it will keep you satiated and full for a while. Prepare a couple at night so they’re ready when you’re on the go the next day.

Serving size: 2 Hard-boiled eggs

Greek Yogurt + Blueberries

This goes out to all the dairy lovers. Chobani greek yogurt is low-fat and still provides our bodies with the protein we need to last throughout the day. Pair this with blueberries and you’re all set for a delicious and nutritious snack. Blueberries are very low in calories and high in vitamin K and C. What else could you ask for?!

Serving Size: 1 8oz yogurt + 1 handful of blueberries