
Glendale Dietitian – Lose Weight by Eliminating These Bad Eating Habilts

Struggling to lose weight or maintain your goal weight? As a Registered Dietitian, I know there are several diet derailing habits that can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Here are three quick tips to break your bad eating habits and drop those unwanted pounds. Get rid of tempting foods. It’s hard to resist temptation when it’s staring you in the face. When…

Comfort Foods that are Good for You

Ever been angry or upset one minute and then on your couch eating the next, unable to remember why you started eating or how long you had spent munching? Familiar with the word comfort and the word food – put these words together and people dream of hot fudge sundaes. This is the power comfort foods hold. Unfortunately, it seems that most…

Happy Registered Dietitan Day!

Happy Registered Dietian Day! March 13 marks the day we recognize and celebrate Registered Dietitians, like Wendy Crump, for helping us with our daily health. Why should you work with Registered Dietitan?  Here are the Top 10 reasons as issued by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 1. You have prediabetes and want to stave off diabetes. A registered dietitian can change…