Eating Healthy While Saving Money

Sometimes eating healthy comes at a steep price, as organic foods can be quite costly. For this reason, fast food becomes even more appealing. Not only is it cheap, but it’s also fast and easy. Don’t forget, however, that this too comes at a high price – think obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The good news is that eating healthy doesn’t always have to result in thinner wallets. Follow these tips to start eating healthy while saving money.

Don’t grocery shop when you’re hungry

Eat a meal before going to the market. Shopping while hungry will likely lead to impulse buys. More often than not, these purchases tend to be fast treats that cost us both money and added calories!

Make a grocery list – and stick to it

Planning is essential when it comes to saving money at the grocery store. Before going to the market, check your refrigerator and pantry to see what you need to stock up on and write it down. You may also choose to plan your meals for the week to get a better idea of what to buy. Making a list of goods will show you what you need and it will also give you a sense of how much money you’re going to spend. Just be sure you stick to it!

Cook at home

Cooking for yourself at home is great for two reasons. 1- you can make more than double the amount of food for the same price as buying one meal out at a restaurant. And 2- making your own meals means you are able to know exactly what is in your food.

Buy generic brands

All food manufacturers are required by law to follow standards for providing safe food. While you may choose to check the labels and read the ingredient list as a way to ensure that you aren’t buying anything of lower quality than you’re used to, buying generic brands is a good way to save money.

Look out for sales and specials

Join the mailing list of your local grocery store or sign up for a club card. Pay special attention to coupons that come your way and stock up on your favorite foods when they’re on sale – (just make sure they wont go bad!). Also look out for hangtags in the aisles with deals on savings.

Buy frozen goods

Fresh fruits, veggies, and meat can be rather expensive. Their frozen counterparts are usually just as nutritious (just be sure to look out for added sugar and sodium). Stock up on frozen goods like wild-caught fish and pasture-raised beef to have a healthy meal at a lower price!

Buy produce that is in season

While produce that is not in season is usually shipped across the world to make it to your local grocery store ($$$), produce that is in season is usually cheaper. Not to mention – it is at its prime in both flavor and nutrients!

Buy in bulk

Buying food in bulk can help save you lots of moola. Foods like brown rice, oats, beans, lentils, and dried fruit can stay fresh for a long time when you store them in a container. Buy them in big quantities and you can use them for a variety of dishes.