Nutritionally Fit

Lifestyle and Performance (LEAP) Program, What is it?

The Lifestyle Eating and Performance (LEAP) program is designed to alleviate the symptoms of a patient suffering from food and chemical sensitivities. These sensitivities can create debilitating immune system reactions, resulting in pain and inflammation in your body. When your immune system detects an unwelcome invader, as in food and chemical sensitivities it decides that the food or chemical is dangerous and…

Not All Nutrition “Experts” Are Created Equal

Hearing that someone is a “nutritionist” often makes the public think that they’re educated and trained in nutrition and health issues. But in many states, titles like “nutritionist” and “diet counselor” are not regulated, so people who are not qualified to give accurate nutrition advice use terms like these. Many “nutritionists” have little if any actual nutrition training or just mail-order credentials….

7 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

A healthy diet is a key part of losing weight.  While some are blessed with high metabolism, most of us can use all the help we can get. Registered Dietitian, Wendy Crump, dishes the top 7 ways to help boost that metabolism to jolt your weight loss! Metabolism Boosting Tips 1. Fuel Up With Water- • The body needs water to process…

{Trick or Treat} Healthy Halloween Tips and Tricks!

HEALTHY HALLOWEEN Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.  When I was a kid I use to collect all of my Halloween candy in a giant pillowcase and hide it under my bed for  months, eating on piece of candy a night, saving the yucky candies for last. Now that I am a mom and a dietitian Halloween takes on…

Tip: Spice Up Your Morning with Oatmeal!

Spice Up Your Morning with a Delectable Bowl of Oatmeal Multiple Ways to Turn Ordinary Oats into Out of the Ordinary Delicious! It’s 1030 am and your stomach starts to growl, problem is those hungerpangs tend to come at the most inconvenient time, you’re busy at work, or just too busy to drop everything to eat. Often times when this happens you find yourself…

Finding the Best Energy Bar

You set out to your local grocery store to purchase an energy bar and inevitably stumble upon a sea of options. Feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the plethora of health claims, you quickly buy an eye-catching bar with an appealing flavor. But did you really get the snack to suit your needs? Before making a purchase, think about why you are eating that…

Should We Be Feeding Our Children Seafood?

Are you like most parents and completely confused when it comes to feeding your kids fish? Well, the good news is that you’re not alone. The media is constantly bombarding us with the importance of eating omega-3 fatty acids, but at the same time with the recent caveats surrounding seafood, you might air on the side of caution and avoid serving your…

Nutrition Apps to Help Your Daily Health!

Nutrition Apps, too Many to Choose From! Are you ready to get a hold of the perfect nutrition app? Try finding a nutrition app and inevitably you will be bombarded with a whole lot of choices. Lifestyle apps are rapidly becoming the “go-to” for nutrition advice. But with hundreds to choose from and not all created equal, consumers find themselves completely confused…

Southern California Healthy Summer Ideas for Kids

As the end of the school year is nearing and summertime is just around the corner, I’m sure many of you are busy making plans for your children’s vacations. Whether it’s enrolling your kids in camp, summer school or just letting them hang out at home, plans must be made. Although schools have gotten a lot of negative publicity about their abysmal…

Healthiest Fast Food Breakfast in Glendale CA

You know that breakfast is important, but when you’re in a pinch in the morning, sometimes fast food is the quickest option. It’s no secret that fast food isn’t the healthiest or most nutritious option, but when it’s the only option – whether you’re running late for school or work – it helps to know how to make the best choices. Some…