4 Ways to Hit Your Goal Weight for Summer


The season for shedding layers and showing a little more skin is finally here. While you may think you’re doing all you can to drop a couple pounds (sticking to your diet, exercising excessively, and skipping out on dessert), there are probably other, less visible factors that you aren’t taking into account. Here’s a couple things to think about that may be contributing to why you haven’t hit your goal weight this summer.


You’re not considering the extras

Meals are usually served with “extras”- sauces, dressing, excessive butter. While you may believe your dinner that consists of salad and grilled chicken with asparagus and broccoli on the side is a very healthy option, odds are you haven’t taken into account the way they were cooked, or what they were cooked with. Were the vegetables grilled or sautéed with butter? Did your starter salad come with creamy dressing on top? Be sure to keep this in mind when ordering out. Just because you substitute a salad for pasta doesn’t mean you’re making a healthier choice if the dressing on the salad is loaded with cream.

You’re overlooking your liquid calories

The best beverage to drink when thirsty is water. Water speeds up your metabolism, flushes out the toxins in your body, and keeps you feeling full. In your attempt to hit your goal weight, don’t overlook the calories you intake through what you drink. Did you have a coffee beverage this morning, soda with lunch, or wine or beer with dinner? Remember that although you’re not digesting solid foods, there are still unneeded calories in those drinks!

You’re cutting entire food groups out of your diet

Though it is tempting to tell yourself you won’t eat any carbs for the next few months, this does more harm than good. Often times, when we prohibit ourselves from eating a certain food group for some time, we eventually fall victim to our cravings and consume too much of it. Don’t overindulge in any one type of food, but instead, work to maintain a diet that has a balanced amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, and unsaturated fats.

You’re overestimating your portion sizes

Be sure that you’re aware of how much food you’re taking in, as restaurants tend to serve way beyond the correct portion sizes. If you order lean meat, only eat what is equivalent to the size of a deck of cards. If you order pasta, eat the amount that makes up 1/3 of the plate.