How to Stay Fit On A Vacation

Getting Ready for that Final Summer Trip? Here’s How to Watch Your Weight While You’re Away
While we all enjoy a great vacation of experiencing new things and visiting new places, travel can sometimes induce stress for those of us who are trying to watch our weight. But don’t fret, as here are a few things to keep you on track with your eating and ensure that you have a blast at the same time.
Know what you’re getting yourself into ahead of time
Plan ahead! Look up popular restaurants near you and maybe even check out the menus so you can plan your other meals accordingly (ie. if you’re headed to a nearby Italian restaurant one night, you know you should know to limit your carb intake earlier on in the day). Aside from planning where and what to eat, it is also a good idea to plan when to eat. Check out your travel plans for the day and set aside times to eat. Try to stay on a similar eating schedule as you are on at home. This will help prevent you from overeating.
Share dishes Trying new foreign delicacies is one of the best parts of traveling. Often times, restaurants serve us portions that are way over the amount that we should eat. To safeguard yourself from this, pick a buddy or family member to share a dish with. Maybe you share a salad and an entrée. Or maybe everyone at the table orders an appetizer and you all share them. Not only is this a great way to prevent overeating, but it is also an excellent way to try more types of food– it’s a win-win!
Bust out those sneakers and do some walking Walking is a great way to explore a new place and do some sightseeing. Instead of hopping on a tour bus, choose the more fitness-friendly travel option such as signing up for a bike tour. This will ensure that you burn some kcals all the while taking in the beauty around you. Not interested in a tour? Walk to dinner, swim in the hotel pool, or set out on a hike. Anything to get your blood pumping!
Fill up on water It is especially important to drink water in the summer. Plus, no one wants to feel dehydrated and lethargic on vacation, so drinking water is a great way to keep you energized and ready for the day ahead. Not only that, but it will fill you up enough to where your brain won’t be tricked for mistaking thirst for hunger. So stock up your car, hotel room, or backpack with some ice-cold water bottles. This will keep you alert and hydrated while also keeping your metabolism up.
Bring along some familiar snacks from home It is important to stick to your home routine as much as you can. That means eating at relatively the same times, and for the most part, sticking to the same types of foods. Is your go-to snack a handful of nuts? String cheese? Peanut butter and celery? Well, bring them along for the ride. Other great options include low-fat jerky, dried fruit, and packets of plain oatmeal.