Nutritionally Fit

Keep Your Summer Body … even after summer

How to Make Your Healthy Summer Habits Last… Even After Summer Many people look to the summer months as an opportunity to get fit, but then immediately ditch their healthy habits by the end of August. While you may have accomplished your goal of getting bikini-body-ready, don’t throw away the progress you’ve made! Here are some ways to stay on track as…

Tips from a Glendale Dietitian – Eating In Moderation

What comes to mind for you when you hear the word diet? If you’re like most people, you probably imagine eating carrot sticks, going to bed hungry, and giving up your favorite food – that’s why so many diets fail. Most people just can’t tolerate those kinds of restrictions for very long. The more you try to eliminate your favorite foods, the…

Alcohol and Weight Loss: The Perfect Mix?

 Alcohol and Weight Loss a Good Mix?  Alcohol plays a big party of our culture; we drink as a way to have fun, let loose, be social or just to unwind after a tough day at work. So what’s wrong with having a few drinks at happy hour with your buddies after work or just planning a fun night out with the…

‘Feeding tube diet’ an alternative to an ordinary weight loss program?

Diets don’t have to be traditional to be effective – but when a weight loss diet involves 800 calories a day, no eating, no food and having a tube hanging out of your nose, you better be careful. The K-E (feeding tube) diet is becoming an increasingly popular weight loss program. Individuals on this “diet” have a feeding tube inserted into their…