Nutritionally Fit

Comfort Foods that are Good for You

Ever been angry or upset one minute and then on your couch eating the next, unable to remember why you started eating or how long you had spent munching? Familiar with the word comfort and the word food – put these words together and people dream of hot fudge sundaes. This is the power comfort foods hold. Unfortunately, it seems that most…

Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

Why is it that the time between Thanksgiving and New Years becomes an eating frenzy for so many? Why can’t it be a time for celebration, appreciating what we are thankful for and visiting with friends and family? Unfortunately for so many people health takes the back burner and they overeat, over drink and subsequently worry that they have gained weight. I propose that…

The Benefits of Teaching Your Kids How to Cook

If you’re like most parents, you’re used to facing resistance from your kids when you try feeding them something new. The more kids you have, the more challenging this attempt at novelty can become – I know, I’ve got four! You’ve probably tried various attempts at persuading them, such as explaining that the food is good for them, decorating or disguising the…

Being a Nutritionally Fit Role Model for your Children

Did you eat your fruits and vegetables today? Did you go for a bike ride, walk or go to the gym? Did you drink low-fat milk? Do you think your children noticed? Children learn their eating and physical activity habits from their parents. It’s important to recognize, that we are our children’s role models. Role modeling may be the most powerful, effective way for your children to eat smart and be…