5 Steps to Making a Delicious & Healthy Sandwich


Want to balance your day with a sandwich that bursts with nutrients, fiber and protein? Here are a few tips to build a healthier sandwich:

  1. Start off by choosing whole grains, read the ingredient list to make sure the word “whole” is in front of wheat, oats or rye, otherwise you’re not eating whole grain bread.

  2. Beat the boredom of bread by using whole grain tortillas, wraps or pita.

  3. Choose low-fat protein options, turkey, chicken, tuna, hummus, nut butter or hard-boiled eggs.

  4. Volume with veggies. Pump up the nutritional value by adding lots of veggies to your sandwich. Branch out and use kale, spinach, arugula, yellow and red bell peppers, onions, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers or mushrooms. Pile as much of these veggies onto your sandwich, as they provide loads of vitamins, minerals and fiber without adding tons of calories.

  5. Swap out the spreads for fresh avocado, a great substitution for other spreads high in saturated fat. Avocados contain 0 cholesterol, 0 sodium and 0 trans fats. Avocados are heart healthy and add good fats to your diet.

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