Keep Your Summer Body … even after summer

How to Make Your Healthy Summer Habits Last… Even After Summer

Many people look to the summer months as an opportunity to get fit, but then immediately ditch their healthy habits by the end of August. While you may have accomplished your goal of getting bikini-body-ready, don’t throw away the progress you’ve made! Here are some ways to stay on track as the end of summer approaches.

Start logging… and jogging

There are many benefits to keeping a food journal. Not only will it help you keep track of what you’re putting in your mouth, but it will in turn teach you some self discipline that’ll result in falling numbers on the scale. Supplement this with some light jogging and you’ll be good to go!

Stay hydrated

When temperatures are high, we’re often tempted by a cold beer, margarita, or even some tasty lemonade. Whatever it is, we’re craving a nice chilled drink. Push past this craving and reach for some water. Staying hydrated is essential to keeping off weight, as it keeps our metabolisms high. When we drink water, it also ensures us that our bodies are not mistaking thirst for hunger.

Make protein a priority

Eating protein – like meat, dairy, eggs, and fish – keeps our energy levels and metabolism high. Make sure protein is the food group that takes up the most space on your plate, as eating protein will keep you full and ensure that you don’t overeat.

Pretend summer is never-ending

Why mourn the end of summer when you can pretend it’s endless? Keep using the good, sunny weather as an excuse to go outside and get active. Swim some laps in the pool, play baseball, or go for a hike!