Nutritionally Fit

‘Feeding tube diet’ an alternative to an ordinary weight loss program?

Diets don’t have to be traditional to be effective – but when a weight loss diet involves 800 calories a day, no eating, no food and having a tube hanging out of your nose, you better be careful. The K-E (feeding tube) diet is becoming an increasingly popular weight loss program. Individuals on this “diet” have a feeding tube inserted into their…

The Benefits of Teaching Your Kids How to Cook

If you’re like most parents, you’re used to facing resistance from your kids when you try feeding them something new. The more kids you have, the more challenging this attempt at novelty can become – I know, I’ve got four! You’ve probably tried various attempts at persuading them, such as explaining that the food is good for them, decorating or disguising the…

Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

Why is it that the time between Thanksgiving and New Years becomes an eating frenzy for so many? Why can’t it be a time for celebration, appreciating what we are thankful for and visiting with friends and family? Unfortunately for so many people health takes the back burner and they overeat, over drink and subsequently worry that they have gained weight. I propose that…

Chanukah Sweet Potato Latkes

The traditional food for a Chanukah celebration is eating latkes, and for those of you who celebrate Chanukah you may find it difficult to enjoy your favorite holiday food and follow a lowfat diet. I’m excited to tell you, you too can enjoy eating latkes by making this recipe low in fat, high in fiber and Vitamin A. Chanukah Sweet Potato Latkes…

5 Common Dieting Mistakes

The other day I got to thinking of several common traps people fall into while on their way to becoming healthier, losing weight and meeting their New Year’s resolutions. Have you vowed to be fit and lose weight? Then make sure not to fall for these common dieting mistakes: 1. Skipping meals. This is still a very common practice to go for…

Pregnant? This one is for you.

If you are pregnant it is important you get adequate folic acid in your diet for the prevention of birth defects. Folic acid, is a B-vitamin and can help prevent serious birth defects such as Spina Bififda and anencephaly, which are neural tube defects caused by the incomplete closing of the spine and skull. These neural tube defects can be prevented by…

March is National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and information campaign created annually in March by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. This year is the 40th anniversary of National Nutrition Month®.  (via Take a look at your diet as we ask…

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss?

Can Coconut Oil Really Help You Lose Weight? So can eating more fat make you skinny? According to some research adding a specific type of fat (coconut oil) to your diet can promote weight loss. This highly saturated fat has gained exposure as being able to suppress appetite and boost metabolism, both of which can lead to weight loss. Is there validity…

Nutritionally Fit: Top 5 Nutrition Tips for Everyday

Nutritionally Fit – Top 5 Nutrition Tips Poor diet, mild fatigue or a chronic lack of energy can often be addressed with simple prevention steps. In addition to regular exercise, try these dietary tips for a boost of energy: 1. Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic) for their cancer protective properties and micronutrients. 2. Become a grazer;…

Happy Registered Dietitan Day!

Happy Registered Dietian Day! March 13 marks the day we recognize and celebrate Registered Dietitians, like Wendy Crump, for helping us with our daily health. Why should you work with Registered Dietitan?  Here are the Top 10 reasons as issued by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 1. You have prediabetes and want to stave off diabetes. A registered dietitian can change…