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Glendale Moms and Dads – It’s Back to School Lunches

Glendale Girl Eating School LunchFor many families, this time of year is a transition time: the long days of summer seem to come to a screeching halt and turn into jam-packed days of schoolwork and after school activities. So if you’re like me, you are also starting to talk with your children about either taking their lunch to school or buying lunch.

But, which option is more nutritious?

We all want our kids to achieve good grades. As a mom of four and a registered dietitian, having kids eat the most nutritious foods before, during and after school is just as important as their schoolwork. Many of the Glendale and Pasadena families I work with have the same struggles when deciding about buying or bringing lunch to school. So what are the solutions? There can be equally nutritious food choices at school or brought from home. If you choose to eat the lunch provided at school, here are a few tips to share with your kids:

  • Choose foods that are baked and made with whole grains,  limit the chicken nuggets to monthly food choices.
  • Choose lunch items which include fresh fruit and veggies over fruit cups made with heavy syrup.
  •  Don’t forget the milk or yogurt, most school lunch programs offer lowfat milk, which is a great way to get calcium into your child’s diet.

If you are bringing your lunch from home, stick with the following tips:

  • Make sandwiches with whole grain breads.
  • Choose lean lunch meats preferable without added nitrites.
  • Pack a hard-boiled egg, they are loaded with protein and can be a great snack.
  • Lowfat cheese sticks or frozen gogurt, two great calcium-packed snack items.
  • Include nuts and nut-butters if your school allows it.
  • Fresh fruit and veggies should be a staple.
  • When it’s cold outside (which certainly isn’t today!) include last night’s meal in a thermos.
What are your favorite school lunch must-haves?

Photo credit: healthy lunch ideas via photo pin cc