What are Macros?

Ever heard of the term, “macros?” I’m sure you have, maybe you just haven’t known what they are. “Macros” stands for macronutrients, or the things that make up the calorie content of the foods we eat. They are the molecules our bodies use to create energy and the big 3 are carbohydrates, fats, and protein.


Trying to lose weight? Ditch the calorie counting and instead macro-count. Here´s everything you need to know about why this is the way to go:


  • Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram
  • Fats provide 9 calories per gram
  • Proteins provide 4 calories per gram


It´s common knowledge that we lose weight when the energy we put out is greater than the energy we take in; in other words – when we burn more calories than we consume. But simply counting calories can only tell us so much and if we don’t eat the right calories, we won´t get the outcome we want.


Counting macros will ensure that we´re eating correctly, as it shows us how many calories we´re eating from one group in comparison to another. So, what is the ideal amount of each macro to consume?


  • Carbohydrates: as the body´s primary source of fuel, this marco is especially important for those with high activity levels. For this reason, the amount you should consume varies a lot from person to person. As a rule of thumb, aim for 45-65% of our total daily calories to come from complex carbohydrates.
    • Try: whole grains, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, fruits, and veggies
  • Protein: responsible for building, maintaining, and repairing muscle, it is best that protein makes up roughly 10-35% of our total daily calories.
    • Try: lean chicken, turkey, fish, Greek yogurt, eggs, beans, tofu, and quinoa
  • Fat: this macro helps with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins K, D, E, and A. Aside from this, it is used as an energy source behind carbohydrates. It is ideal that 15-25% of our overall caloric intake comes from fat.
    • Try: avocado, egg yolks, grass-fed animals, tuna, walnuts, and almonds