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5 Common Dieting Mistakes

The other day I got to thinking of several common traps people fall into while on their way to becoming healthier, losing weight and meeting their New Year’s resolutions. Have you vowed to be fit and lose weight? Then make sure not to fall for these common dieting mistakes:

1. Skipping meals. This is still a very common practice to go for prolonged periods of time without eating as a way to “save calories.” Eating consistent, balanced meals and snacks regulates blood sugar levels and helps support metabolism; while skipping meals does the exact opposite. Eat every three to four hours to keep your blood sugar balanced, your cravings at bay and your metabolism working efficiently.

2. Believing inaccurate nutrition information. With the technology at your finger tips it’s so easy to Google unreliable nutrition information. Check your sources; is it a Registered Dietitian or just a “nutrition expert,” reporting this nutrition information? Don’t forget – anyone can call themselves an expert.

3. Following a diet. Diets don’t work. Diets are usually short-term fixes. Many people just gain back the original weight they lost and sometimes even more. The healthiest diet is the one you can maintain long-term. A diet that has you eating real food and doesn’t eliminate any of the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates and fats.

4. Using “healthier” versions of “not-so-healthy” products. A nice way of saying, substituting junk for junk. Just because the cake mix says “organic”, don’t let that fool you. An organic cake mix is not better for your blood sugars, your health or your waist-line than a non-organic cake mix. They will do the same thing, elevate blood sugars and lead to weight gain. So when it comes to eating, stick with real foods it’s better than overeating unnatural imitation foods.

5. Exercising is a good excuse to eat whatever you want. Wrong, think again! You can’t out exercise a bad diet. It’s not all about calories; eating calorie laden sugary foods will send your blood sugars soaring, trigger overeating and lead to weight gain. Let’s face it a piece of chocolate cake with frosting is about 500 calories, you would need to go jogging for at least 1 hour and 10 minutes to burn it off.

If you’ve fallen into one of these traps, know there is a way out! Education and an individual health and nutrition plan may be all you need to get on the track to a healthier lifestyle. Start the New Year right with an individualized nutrition plan from working with a Registered Dietitian.