4 Reasons Why Too Much Holiday Cheer Gives You a “Beer Belly”


holiday_drinks_alcoholI know it’s tough to dodge the social sips altogether but keep in mind boozing it up during the holidays can cause you to pack on the pounds and here’s why….

  • Alcohol makes your blood sugar drop. While you are busy with your social sips the liver is working very hard trying to metabolize the alcohol. In turn causing your blood sugar to drop. What happens when your blood sugar dips your body is screaming out “give me carbs”!
  • Alcohol comes at a big caloric price. One gram of alcohol is 7 calories, which is more than both carbs and protein at 4 calories per gram. Although less than fat at 9 calories per gram.
  • Alcohol is first in line to be metabolized. Alcohol is seen as a toxin therefore the liver makes metabolizing alcohol a priority. This means while the liver is busy at work metabolizing alcohol the calories from other foods eaten need to wait their turn. Your metabolic system must stop burning off calories from your last meal so it can get rid of the booze.
  • Alcohol calories are worse because they are stored in the liver first. It takes the liver time to deliver the alcohol induced fat for storage. If your liver can’t do this quickly enough the fat gets stuck in your liver and belly giving you a “big belly” or the better-known name “beer belly”.

This holiday season try and ease up on alcohol intake, your body and health will thank you.