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Tips for Parents: Promoting a Healthy Body Image in Children

Body image is how we feel about our bodies. Whatever their size or weight, children and teens can develop either a positive or negative view of their bodies from a very early age. Body image disturbances begin as early as preschool, so parents need to play a pivotal role in promoting a positive body image for children.

Young people with a positive body image of themselves feel more comfortable and confident in their ability to succeed. They don’t obsess about calories, food or weight.

On the other hand, kids with a negative body image feel more self-conscious, anxious and isolated. They are at greater risk for excess weight gain or for eating disorders.

You can give your child the gift of a positive body image by following some of these suggestions.

Parental Body Image

Parental body image has a powerful influence on how kids feel about their bodies. If you talk about your weight, your latest diet or your grueling workouts, your child will naturally absorb these negative messages. They will begin to worry about their weight and think they should be dieting.

Shift the Focus from Weight to Health

For your kid’s sake, shift your focus from weight to health. Stop obsessing about numbers on the scale and concentrate on good nutrition and fun physical activity. Children don’t need to work out; they just need to play. Children need to enjoy healthy meals and learn how to make smart food choices.

Find Physical Activity That’s Fun

All children need regular physical activities that they like doing. They don’t all need to be natural athletes and do sports. Some kids prefer individual activities like walking, skate boarding, or riding a bike. While others prefer karate, gymnastics, swimming or dance classes. It doesn’t matter what kids do for physical activity; it just matters that they do something.

The Myth of Mass Media

Help your child become a savvy media critic by talking with your kids about what they see on television and magazines. Help them understand hardly anyone looks as perfect as they do in advertisements; the ads have been retouched or manipulated to appear “perfect.”

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