626-893-7244  info@nutritionally-fit.com

The Benefits of Teaching Your Kids How to Cook

If you’re like most parents, you’re used to facing resistance from your kids when you try feeding them something new. The more kids you have, the more challenging this attempt at novelty can become – I know, I’ve got four!

You’ve probably tried various attempts at persuading them, such as explaining that the food is good for them, decorating or disguising the food in question, or perhaps even pleading (don’t worry, you’re not alone!) And the worst part is, for all the effort they require, all of these techniques are generally ineffective.

So what else can you do? Teach your children how to cook with you!

Glendale CA Kids Cooking with Parents

Teaching your children to cook has many benefits, some of which extend beyond nutrition:

  • Enhanced nutrition – kids are more willing to eat food if they have been involved in its preparation.
  • Strengthened math skills – following a recipe that calls for 1 teaspoon of garlic powder or 1 1/2 cups chicken broth allows your children to apply their knowledge of fractions and units of measurement.
  • Self-esteem reinforced – children are proud of what they have accomplished and receive immediate satisfaction after having completed the task.
  • Practical exploration of science – kids can learn the principles of cause and effect as you explain the boiling point or how solids can turn into liquids (think melting butter).
  • Improved motor skills – activities such as stirring, peeling and chopping (supervised, of course) allow kids to exercise and sharpen their developing motor skills.
  • Promotion of healthy eating – when your children learns how to prepare nutritious foods, and that many healthy recipes can be delicious, they are more likely to appreciate healthy foods in a new way and end up eating better in general.
  • Increased quality time – preparing meals as a team gives you and your child a chance to bond over a shared goal and, of course, to simply have a little fun together.

So the next time you get stressed out at mealtime and pop in the car to the closest drive-thru, remember that the toy they get with their food seems to possess a higher nutritional value than the rest of the meal. Use this as motivation to plan an evening when you can cook with your child. You never know, one day they may end up cooking for you!

Are you in the Glendale, CA area and looking for more nutritious and delicious meal ideas for your entire family? Give me a call at 626.893.7244.