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So What’s the Deal with Fermented Foods?

There are tons of health benefits that come from the consumption of fermented – or probiotic – foods. In addition to regulating appetite and reducing sugar and carb cravings, fermented foods also help keep our gut in tip-top shape, thus optimizing our health and reversing the effects of disease. Read on to see how you can use cultured foods to live a healthier lifestyle today!

Fermented foods provide us with important nutrients

Fermented foods are rich with probiotics, or good bacteria, that are found in essential nutrients such as in B vitamins and in vitamin K2. While B vitamins are important for cell metabolism, vitamin K2 reduces the risk of heart disease by preventing arterial plaque from building up in our hearts.


  • Kefir- a fermented drinkable yogurt high in vitamin B12, vitamin K2, calcium, magnesium, biotin, and folate
  • Kombucha- a fermented black tea drink high in B vitamins that increases energy, improves digestion, detoxes the body, and prevents disease
  • Pickles- high in vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants and gut friendly bacteria, pickles help to reverse vitamin K deficiency, thus playing a crucial role in both bone and heart health

Fermented foods support a healthy immune system

A whopping 80% of our immune system is controlled by what goes on in our gut. The probiotics found in fermented foods are essential for maintaining the health of the mucosal immune system found in our digestive tract. Better yet, they aid in the production of antibodies that fight disease-causing pathogens.


  • Miso- while boosting the immune system, miso also promotes a healthy nervous system and lowers the risk of cancer
  • Raw cheese- such as goat’s milk and sheep’s milk – aid in healing digestive issues, mental health problems, and neurological disorders

Fermented foods detoxify the body

Fermented foods act as detoxifiers, as they have the ability to flush out toxins from our bodies. In this way, they act as great weapons to fight against diabetes and obesity. A healthy diet that is low in sugar and grains and high in fermented foods aids in restoring our gut flora and thus impacts far more than just our digestive tracts.


  • Kimchi- as a traditional Korean dish of vegetables and spices, kimchi can act as a barrier to diabetes and obesity, helping lower our cholesterol and prevent constipation
  • Sauerkraut- made from fermented cabbage, it is loaded with vitamins to heal the gut and is an excellent source of fiber and protein


Eating foods such as the ones listed above will help you fill your diet with probiotics – or the gut bugs that reside in the lining of our intestinal walls – to fight against harmful bacteria or toxins that enter our bodies.